ECO Label & RMC – meeting the demand for practical sustainability certification

With increasing sustainability concerns and standards, PFI’s ECO Label and Recycled Material Certification enable businesses to accomplish and convey their sustainability goals through different practical solutions.
Author: Simone Charlet

In light of ever-rising stakeholder expectations, PFI’s ECO label and Recycled Material Certification offer companies a variety of flexible options to achieve and communicate their sustainability success. They have been developed in cooperation with players in the industry and are designed with practicality in mind while not neglecting ambitiousness.

New legal requirements regarding compliance in global supply chains are making sustainability the license to operate for companies operating in the 21st century. The due diligence act passed in Germany (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG) sets high standards for German businesses regarding human rights in supply chains, which can present tremendous challenges, especially if the business has not invested heavily into its sustainability strategy before. Moreover, supply chain transparency and traceability of materials is becoming a must-have in order to meet the increasing requirements. Sustainability labels and certifications are a great way to demonstrate commitment to the topic and can act as a tool to guide sustainability efforts.

Individualised Sustainability Success with the ECO Label

PFI Germany’s ECO Label empowers companies to set and follow their own sustainability path while following a verified framework that is in line with current legal and market requirements. Through the program, even companies with significant sustainability challenges can get started on their journey with an individualised strategy action plan for the year 2030 – with the aim of enabling the award of the label.

Traceable Recycled Material with RMC 2.0

RMC 2.0 flexibly certifies recycled materials in products and verifies social and environmental compliance of the facilities involved in the supply chain – starting at just 5% of recycled content. This allows greater traceability and trust in products where higher amounts of recycled material are not realistic and is a great opportunity to certify achievements in circularity.

PFI Germany’s ECO Label and PFI Fareast’s Recycled Material Certification 2.0 (RMC) help companies realise their sustainability goals, communicate their achievements with confidence and prepare for upcoming due diligence regulations with traceability.

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