Alert! The hot-fix Rhinestones on fashion products may fail chemical compliance

Higher lead content will also make a difference, which is commonly thought to level up its overall brightness.

Hot-fix Rhinestones is widely used in the fashion industry

Hot-fix Rhinestones is a jewelry-like accessory produced by carving artificial crystal glass and giving it an outward appearance which resembles to diamond.

Hot-fix Rhinestones has dazzling visual effect because of its twinkly appearance and owing to its low cost, it has been widely used in fashion industry.

Lead content is one of the factors affecting the quality of Hot-fix Rhinestones

Glossiness and brightness are key indicators to assess the quality of Hot-fix Rhinestones, which could be enhanced by high purity of raw materials, abundance of cut surface, smoothness of surface. Higher lead content will also make a difference, which is commonly thought to level up its overall brightness.

Our data as gleamed from our services over the years has shown that lead or cadmium content in some Hot-fix Rhinestones is often in excess of regulatory or buyer-imposed limits.  The industry as a whole should pay special attention to lead content in Hot-fix Rhinestones on fashion products.

Lead is widely known to be detrimental to human health

If it accumulates in human body, it will be harmful to the nervous system, digestive system and various organs of the human body upon blood circulation.

In particular, lead can irreparably damage brain development, resulting in mental retardation of the newborns. Infants and children who come in direct contact with footwear, toys and other products with Hot-fix Rhinestones may accidentally be exposed to high lead content by biting, tearing, sucking or licking, leading to serious health consequences.

Regulatory requirements in various markets concerning lead content

  • The EU REACH regulation stipulates that products shall not be placed on the market if the concentration of lead in those articles or accessible parts thereof is equal to or greater than 0.05% by weight, and those articles or accessible parts thereof may, during normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, be placed in the mouth by children.
  • According to USA CPSIA and related federal laws, the lead content in the substrate materials of children’s products should be less than 100 mg/kg, and the lead content in the surface-coating materials should be less than 90 mg/kg.
  • Canada’s Consumer Products Containing Lead Regulations (SOR/2018-83) stipulates that the lead content in each accessible part of a consumer product shall not exceed 90 mg/kg.


Please feel free to contact us for updated information with other markets.

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Founded in Germany in 1956, PFI boasts extensive experience in textile and garment, PPE and consumer goods industries, with unrivalled track record in footwear and leather goods.  As an independent third-party company, PFI Fareast offers testing, inspection, audit, consulting and certification services. Our strong team, which thrives on professionalism, reliability, dedication and astuteness, is fully committed to providing innovative, effective and sustainable solutions throughout the whole journey from product development to procurement.

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