PFI Fareast首办实验室开放日,行业专家带您深入了解检测技术

PFI Fareast齐全的检测设备和资深的技术专家受到客户的一致好评。

What is the process after the samples are delivered to our laboratory? How are products tested and evaluated for safety and quality?

PFI Fareast recently invited clients and partners to visit the laboratory in Quanzhou, in our bid to bring them through a “safety” journey of textiles and footwear products, accompanied by our technical experts who were on hand to give backstories and respond to questions.

We have not only made all our areas open and accessible for visitors, but also put the machines and equipment in operation. Our visitors had the first-hand glimpse into how fibre composition differed under microscope, what defined small parts in children’s products, and whether the metallic piece contained nickel through the aid of chemical experiment.

This time in summer also allowed friends and families of our clients to join along and enjoy an interesting educational experience on product safety and quality and, to a broader extent, the significance of social responsibilities in supply chain.

We have been encouraged and enlightened by the tremendous responses from all the visitors. PFI Fareast has over 65 years of professional experience in the fashion industry and strives to provide clients with best-in-class solutions and champion sustainable development in fashion industry.





2024年11月7日,欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)在候选清单中增加了一种新化学物质磷酸三苯酯(Triphenyl Phosphate , TPP)。至此,SVHC清单现在已包含了242种可能危害人类或环境的化学品。
