PFI Fareast欢迎供应链专家Beatrice Walter担任PFI的新项目经理

可持续供应链解决方案的全球权威PFI Fareast欢迎新经理和供应链专家加入其团队。

PFI Fareast is excited to welcome Beatrice Walter onto our growing team, as Supply Chain Project Manager. She is currently responsible for overseeing and developing quality assurance-related projects in Africa. 

We caught up with Beatrice in her first week: “I am excited to join the team at PFI Fareast. As an established leading expert in sustainable supply chain solutions, I truly look forward to expanding PFI’s footprint by realizing projects in Africa and becoming a contributor to the growth of PFI Fareast.”

Beatrice brings with her over 20 years of experience in quality management and production within the textile and garment industry, as well as a strong grasp of international market trends across the industry. Beatrice has worked in production and quality management, specialising in sustainability aspects since her professional career began. Originally from Germany, she has worked across different regions and countries, including a stint in Hong Kong and other APEC countries, Middle East, North Africa, India and Bangladesh. 





2024年11月7日,欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)在候选清单中增加了一种新化学物质磷酸三苯酯(Triphenyl Phosphate , TPP)。至此,SVHC清单现在已包含了242种可能危害人类或环境的化学品。
