

With the ethos to drive sustainability in the fashion and footwear industry, PFI experts shed light on how to build sustainable supply chains through employing practical solutions at different events. Below are the PFI experts’ speaking engagements in 2021.

Transparent Supply Chain: Preparation for Planned Regulations – by HDS/L and cads

At the time when the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act – Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG), initially called “Lieferkettengesetz”, was still in the discussion process, Dr. Gerhard Nickolaus, former Managing Director of PFI Fareast, shared his insights at the conference. He shared that “LkSG requires any company in Germany, producing or offering products to really know their supply chain. In other words, companies must have a comprehensive understanding of the working, social and environmental conditions, in which the products have been manufactured. LkSG also demands on-site visits in the production facilities and for ratings of companies”.

Guide to Lieferkettengesetz – Building Responsible Global Supply Chains – by PFI Fareast and cads

The Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG is planned to come into effect in 2023, meaning companies need to start preparing their supply chains to adapt to the new legislation. Kelly Cooper, Associate Director of Sustainability at PFI Fareast, presented her thoughts on how businesses can mitigate the supply chain risk caused by the new law. She suggested businesses to find a trustworthy third-party for in-depth supply chain evaluations and solutions. 

Innovation, Materials, and Requirements in the Global Footwear Industry Latest Developments and Trends – by CSI and Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta

Candice Wang, Managing Director of PFI Fareast, emphasized the importance of traceability in the footwear industry, as well as the role of innovation and technology in driving sustainability and supply chain transparency in the industry. She pointed out that consumers are demanding safe and sustainable products which means companies need to be reliable and law-abiding. Equipped with QR code technologies and backed by experienced experts, PFI’s RMC 2.0 can help companies to fulfil consumers’ needs, increase supply chain transparency and gain consumers’ trust.





2024年11月7日,欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)在候选清单中增加了一种新化学物质磷酸三苯酯(Triphenyl Phosphate , TPP)。至此,SVHC清单现在已包含了242种可能危害人类或环境的化学品。
