PFI Fareast 在中国和越南开展服装验货服务

PFI Fareast宣布其验货服务已扩展到服装行业。

As part of PFI Fareast’s ongoing commitment to ensuring the highest quality standards in the fashion industry, we are pleased to announce that we have recently launched the garment inspection service, providing comprehensive quality control and assurance service offerings to support the industry.

Adding to PFI’s footwear inspection specialty, the new garment inspection includes quality checks on the garment itself, materials, and manufacturing processing— comprising weaving, dyeing, cutting, and sewing, currently available in China and Vietnam.

“In addition to the China market, we are offering garment inspection in Vietnam as well to support the supply chain of the upswing industry,” said Frank Liesenhoff, Technical Director of Shoe Tech Department at PFI Fareast. Vietnam is one of the top textiles producing countries with an average annual growth rate of 17 percent in the past few years according to 
Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association. “We will continue to take steps to expand garment inspection service to more producing countries and keep supporting more fast-growing manufacturing countries.” 

PFI Fareast offers product inspection services for the entire production process. Our inspection team consists of local and international technicians with 65 years of experience. PFI Fareast offers pre- and during-production quality control checks, to both confirm the quality of samples and to identify defects at an early stage, helping you verify that the final products meet your specifications.

For more information, please contact Frank Liesenhoff, Technical Director of Shoe Tech Department via email at






2024年11月7日,欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)在候选清单中增加了一种新化学物质磷酸三苯酯(Triphenyl Phosphate , TPP)。至此,SVHC清单现在已包含了242种可能危害人类或环境的化学品。
