借助新的RMC 2.0提高供应链的透明度

新的RMC 2.0标准,让更大范围含有可再生材料的产品的供应链变得透明。

Certification processes can be complicated and time consuming. PFI has created a comprehensive Recycled Material Certification 2.0 (RMC) to help brands and retailers achieve and communicate their sustainability goals. Labelling products with an RMC logo provides guidance for consumers on the market to make more informed choices based on product sustainability.

A complete review of the RMC certification requirements was carried out to create a more accessible certification for a wider range of products. The requirements for obtaining an RMC certification were reduced to 5% from >50% to ensure that as the RMC expands, it can be inclusive of a wider variety of products and incorporate more materials outside of PET.

The certification also traces the supply chain of post-consumer PET bottles, from their source to the point of sale of the final product. As well as verifying that facilities involved in the manufacturing of certified products comply with social and environmental standards.

Established traceability systems are becoming more and more important. Also with regards to due diligence laws. So the RMC certifications comes with an additional value for more traceability and transparency for the product’s supply chain.

Learn more about supply chain transparency and the traceability system of the RMC 2.0 here.





2024年11月7日,欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)在候选清单中增加了一种新化学物质磷酸三苯酯(Triphenyl Phosphate , TPP)。至此,SVHC清单现在已包含了242种可能危害人类或环境的化学品。
